Saturday, April 15, 2023

What gematria mean

gematria, a Hebrew numerology, is a system of analyzing the numerical data of Hebrew words and letters, so that they can be understood in a spiritual context. Gematria is based on the fact that every letter in the Hebrew alphabet is assigned a numerical value according to its placement in the alphabet. By adding together the numerical values of all of the letters in a particular word, it is possible to calculate the word's gematria -- its numeric essence.

Gematria has been around since ancient times and has been used to interpret words and phrases with spiritual significance. It does not have an absolute set of meanings, but rather is used for interpreting language and finding deeper connections between ideas. Many people believe that by using gematria, one can unlock hidden meanings or discover deeper connections between otherwise unrelated words or phrases.

For example, in some modern interpretations of ancient Jewish traditions, words like "hekdesh" (holiness) and "shalom" (peace) have been connected by looking at their individual numerical values in gematria; as each contain 8 letters and 8 being considered as a number of holiness and peace, respectively. Similarly, many words that have traditionally been associated with religious themes such as redemption (יפשח) or Torah (תורה/) are thought to be connected to different concepts when their numerical values are calculated through this system.

One use of gematria today is in kabbalistic practice - particularly when attempting to understand spiritual ideas. Modern practitioners will often use combinations of numbers found by calculating the corresponding gematria of multiple biblical passages or Hebrew words to create symbolic meanings that may not be defined by traditional interpretation alone. Additionally, some rabbis will sometimes study various combinations of letters as part of an effort to uncover hidden prophecies.

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